Spruce Creek Class of 2003 Reunion


Classmate or Business


Do you want to help put on the best party the Class of 2003 has seen in 20 years?

Consider a sponsorship! All proceeds will go to cover expenses!

Also, you'll be recognized through social media, email, and you'll get a sweet shoutout the night of the event!

If you have questions, let us know here.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Partial Sponsor of Open Bar

We're giving four people the opportunity to pool their money together to support our open bar for the night!

Open Bar Sponsorship

This legend will single handedly support our drunken antics for the night!

Reunion Decor & Floral Sponsorship

Support the reunion by sponsoring the decor and flowers displayed on the night of the main event. You would be providing the atmosphere and wow factor that will make an incredible event complete!! 

Partial Sponsor of Reunion Decor

Support the reunion by sponsoring the decor and flowers displayed on the night of the main event. You would be providing the atmosphere and wow factor that will make an incredible event complete!! Every bit helps!


Executive Sponsor

Sponsored by Elite Aesthetics, LLC

Shoutout to the Executive Sponsor of the SCHS c/o 2003 Reunion! Make sure to check them out at https://www.eliteaestheticsllc.com/

DJ Booth Sponsorship

Sponsored by Mike Gagliardi!

This sponsorship opportunity is to support the DJ Booth for the evening. The sponsorship will also cover a door prize too!

Photo Booth Sponsorship

Sponsored by Stephanie Cathey!

This sponsorship opportunity is to support the Photo Booth for the evening. The sponsorship will also cover a door prize too!

Photographer Sponsorship

Sponsored by Kasey Hoskins!

We're giving two people the opportunity to pool their money together to support having an awesome photographer for the night!

Purchase a Sponsorship
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